Scott Thompson Show

Will Canadians revolt if they realize how broke they are?



The Hamilton Today Podcast with Scott Thompson: We examine the escalator tax on alcohol and ponder if it's worth keeping when we just keep pushing it back. Bruce Winder discusses how some retailers are lowering their prices in order to win back customers. Environment minister Guilbeault's comments about roadbuilding are still creating trouble for him, and work for his staff. The total solar eclipse is coming up! Dr. Elania Hyde walks us through how we can look, and maybe even take pictures of the event safely. In a new piece for The Conversation Dr. Andrew Grant and his co-authors explain why consultation with Indigenous communities is the key to success with Ontario's "Ring of Fire." Pierre Poilievre is demanding that a carbon tax election be held, after putting forth a no-confidence motion in Parliament. According to the National Post, there's a "secret RCMP report" that says Canadians may well revolt once they realize how broke they are. Ontario Premier Doug Ford stands staunchly against fourplexes being