Ed Mylett Show




I literally thought we were going to die… ❗️NEW EPISODE ALERT! This special episode is all about seizing control and steering your life in the direction YOU choose. Recently, a hair-raising cab ride with my daughter Bella turned into much more than a moment of heart-pounding fear; it became a profound lesson about life's unexpected turns and who's really in the driver's seat. That ride wasn't just scary; it was a stark reminder of the chaos we invite into our lives when we let others take control. When we finally escaped that cab, the ordeal didn't end there. The driver's next turn led to a crash – a literal collision that echoed the potential disasters we face when we surrender our power to others. Reflecting on that day, I realized it was more than just a bad ride; it was a metaphor for life. Too often, we sit back, not questioning, not asserting, letting someone else steer our course. And where does that lead? To situations, relationships, or decisions that we never wanted, putting everything precious at r