Ed Mylett Show

How To 10X Your Life w/ Dr. Benjamin Hardy



10X your TIME. 10X your MONEY. 10X your RELATIONSHIPS. 10X your PURPOSE!!! If you're seeing this, odds are you are dedicated to GROWTH in all areas of your life… and on this week's episode, we're going to kick up the intensity and deliver mind-bending strategies on how to 10X your life and grow EXPONENTIALLY with my brilliant friend, DR. BENJAMIN HARDY. Dr. Benjamin Hardy is an ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGIST and BEST-SELLING AUTHOR and is sharing his REVOLUTIONARY methods on how to 10X your TIME, 10X your MONEY, 10X your RELATIONSHIPS and 10X your PURPOSE including: How Mastering your PAST can shape your legacy. The art of FRAMING: Viewing events and people through a transformative lens. How to harness your superpower of adaptability. Turning every stumble into a stepping stone. Crafting a compelling future with REVERSE ENGINEERING. The magic behind setting seemingly IMPOSSIBLE GOALS. Digging deep into the SELF-DETERMINATION THEORY. Deciphering your genuine WHY. How to master time Operating to a 10X level is fun