Ed Mylett Show

Millionaire Money Habits



This week I want to talk to you about something that’s near and dear to everyone’s heart. MONEY. I can’t give you specific advice or a great stock tip, but I can talk to you about some FINANCIAL SECURITY PRINCIPLES I’ve used over the years to build a significant amount of wealth. Let’s start with some basics… First, you must create a SAVER’S MINDSET. LOCK THIS IN. If you can’t save money when you don’t have much, you won’t save money when you have a lot of it. Saving money is a HABIT. So, the The very first thing you must decide is if you are A SAVER OR A SPENDER? Part of this includes AUDITING how you spend your money. Do you know how much you spend on Starbucks, Amazon, DoorDash, streaming services, and other discretionary things each month? Next, what is your attitude toward DEBT? The cost to borrow money on a depreciating asset is EXPENSIVE. It can make sense to LEVERAGE MONEY on an appreciating asset, but you’ve also got to pay really close attention to how much and how often you do that as well. Also as