Ed Mylett Show

Diversity Empowers You



There is a pathway to RICHNESS that I haven’t talked about before… There’s been a huge shift in the world over the last few years. Daily living has become difficult. Our routines have become stale and the connections with our communities have been drastically reduced. As a result, we are experiencing less and less diversity in our day to day lives than ever before. And this is a MAJOR problem because believe it or not, humans NEED diversity to grow! On top of that, there is a direct correlation between how much variety you experience and the amount of happiness, success, and wealth you acquire. That means we MUST surround ourselves with diverse people AND diverse experiences if we ever want to reach our full potential! DIVERSITY is the pathway to richness… spiritually, emotionally, and financially. We are NOT all the same and that’s the point! All of our differences combined creates the most beautiful thing on this planet… DIVERSITY. And I’m not just talking about skin color. I’m talking about embracing diver