Ed Mylett Show

X-Factor For Success



How did I go from having no running water in a small apartment, car repo’d, struggling day to day… to living in my oceanfront dream home? I’m re-releasing this POWERFUL episode because this is still one of the MOST asked questions from the MAXOUT community… and a HUGE piece of my journey was figuring out how do you surround yourself with the RIGHT people! The right people can propel you to NEW and EXCITING outcomes…but the wrong people will doom you to an average and ordinary existence. I finally figured this out after deciding I wanted more out of life. Like many of you, I knew I wanted to change so I read books, took courses, attended events and soaked up everything I could. But it wasn’t until I realized my ENVIRONMENT and the PEOPLE I allowed in, held the keys to the changes I wanted to make. Prepare yourself for a transformative episode as we delve into the secret behind going from humble beginnings to living a life of extraordinary abundance. The answer lies in this crucial element: the people who surro