Ed Mylett Show

Eat Your Way To Health w/ Dr. William Li



Get ready to embark on an electrifying journey that will revolutionize your relationship with food and health! In this mind-blowing episode, you’ll learn how to “Eat your way to better health." And who better to guide us than the extraordinary DR. WILLIAM LI—the world's foremost authority on the incredible power of food. Oh and yea , we’re discussing Ozempic and similar injections AND Groundbreaking work on Cancer cells! This is something you have NEVER heard before! Dr. Li is about to unveil the secrets that will rock your understanding of nutrition and well-being. With over 40 FDA-approved breakthroughs under his belt, revolutionizing cancer treatment, cardiovascular health, wound healing, vision restoration, and NYT Bestselling book, his expertise is unparalleled. Brace yourself for this groundbreaking exploration of FOOD AS MEDICINE packed with game-changing insights that will directly impact your health—no matter where you are on your health journey! Prepare to take notes as we uncover: How to EAT your w