Ed Mylett Show

Knock Down the Wall Between You and Your Dream!



My mantra has always been “ONE MORE!” My mantra has always been “ONE MORE!”  Why? Because I want to get MORE out of LIFE! I want to strongly encourage you to do things other people are not willing to do so you can believe you should reap more REWARDS. Because the truth is, you will get out of life only what you think you DESERVE. The average do what they’re supposed to do; the GREATS do ONE MORE! The average work hard, but the greats WORK EXTRA. This episode will teach you how to knock down any barrier standing in between your goals and WIN! We don’t get what we would like or what we would hope for in life. We actually get our STANDARDS.  Yes, you will eventually achieve your standards in life.  When she was stab wish a firm standard of who you are and how you operate, you automatically go to work on building the HABITS and RITUALS  that support that standard. This is why people who develop even the best habits, and often lose in their life because those habits are not tied to an incredibly high standard