Ed Mylett Show

Turn Distraction into Success! - with Ed Mylett



Are you a willing participant in your own distraction? YOU ARE MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU THINK YOU ARE! If you are LASER FOCUSED on your dreams, you can become an EXPERT at anything… Even accomplishing your dreams! The reason so many people NEVER reach their full potential is that they never become fully FOCUSED on their goals. They keep allowing DISTRACTIONS to get in the way! There are ALL KINDS OF DISTRACTIONS in the world. They live in your televisions, on your phone, on your computers and become a CONVENIENT ESCAPE from the WORK you must put in to WIN! Are you letting DISTRACTIONS get in the way of your FOCUS??? Your DREAMS? Your FAMILY? Have you been able to stay LASER FOCUSED and obsessive about your dreams or an EXTENDED period of time? A year? 2 years? 5 years? THAT is the difference that sets apart elite performers. Your obsession with these DISTRACTIONS is a CONVENIENT ESCAPE that allows you to focus on things that DON’T MATTER! Are you obsessed with a tv show or a reality star? Are you obsessed