Ed Mylett Show

Expert Secrets to Becoming a MAXOUT Leader - with John Maxwell



“Most people don't LEAD their life, they ACCEPT their Life!” These are the powerful words from the legend himself, John Maxwell! If you already are or WANT to become a LEADER in your business, in your family, in your community, in your faith, THIS interview will give you the expert principles YOU NEED to succeed! Do you want to become a better person? Do you want to become a better leader? Do you want to unlock your potential to add value to the lives of others? If you said YES to any of these questions, get your notepad ready as we divulge the TOP business leadership strategies, tips and actionable steps to become the MAXOUT Leader that is living inside you! THIS is truly one of the only interviews I've done so far that actually had me nervous beforehand! John Maxwell has trained High-Achieving Leaders in EVERY COUNTRY on earth and has dominated the business leadership industry, selling over 30 MILLION books throughout his lifetime! It is my honor and a GREAT pleasure to bring you this interview with THE