Absolute Trust Talk

126: Understanding Multigenerational Estate Planning Part 1



The battle between the generations is real and seems to be everywhere. Yes, generational divides even play a role in estate planning. In fact, estate plans nowadays are built around more diverse and multigenerational families than ever before. In this new episode of Absolute Trust Talk, we are joined by psychotherapist and certified coach Tess Brigham, MFT, BCC. Tess specializes in helping young adults discover their unique life path to enter the world and make an impact. Join us as we discuss how the generations are defined, what makes each one unique, and how these factors influence estate planning. Time-stamped Show Notes: 0:00 Introduction 1:18 Please join us in welcoming expert psychotherapist, certified coach, author, and public speaker Tess Brigham! 3:26 To begin our discussion, Tess lays a foundation by defining the various generations, starting with the Silent Generation. 4:58 Next, we discuss the Baby Boomers, who currently make up about 20-25% of our population. 5:53 Gen X: Raised on hose water and