Whitcomb Ministries

Hosanna, Day of Praise!



God's Word is true from the beginning to the end- At the center of His Word is the account of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, the Messiah-which the whole world will remember over the next few days, beginning with this weekend and Palm Sunday.-Whitcomb Ministries is glad to bring back a special guest Bible teacher who is here to help us remember and celebrate the importance of Palm Sunday-our friend, Dr. Woodrow Kroll. He will do this by taking us on a tour, describing the monumental events of Palm Sunday in terms of the acts of a play, recorded by the four gospel writers. As we explore these gospel narratives, Dr. Kroll will ask-and answer-the classic questions- Who-- What-- When-- Where-- and Why---Host Wayne Shepherd leads us into this special message-prepared just for us here on -Encounter God's Truth--called, -Hosanna, Day of Praise---We thank Dr. Kroll for giving us this Easter gift of his powerful and encouraging teaching, and we're glad to continue the tradition of having him speak to us d