Speak Up With Laura Camacho

Episode 128: Edward Turnbull: Mindful Conversations For Happiness



Did you know that mindfulness leads to better communication? In this episode, learn how mindfulness brings awareness which helps you communicate more effectively and be a happier person. Guest expert Edward Turnbull, former intellectual property attorney, mediator, negotiator, and sales leader shares how the practice of mindfulness can transform your life. He spells out the interrelationship between mindfulness and communication in his recent book, "Mindful Communication for Happiness" link for the book: https://www.amazon.com/Mindful-Communication-Happiness-Edward-Turnbull/dp/1525587935/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1OR03WMJ5C6DM&keywords=mindful+communication+for+happiness&qid=1614894351&s=books&sprefix=mindful+%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C205&sr=1-1 Edward and Laura discuss the following insights: - How technology has been degrading our communication since before the pandemic - The effect of thinking and overthinking on your energy level - A surprising approach to dealing with imposter syndrom