Speak Up With Laura Camacho

Episode 127: Chris Fenning Max the First Minute (This Even Works for Verbal Processors)



This is a must-listen for anyone working in and around technology. Chris Fenning, who worked for 20+ years in international technical teams shares very specific ways engineers and other technical professionals can communicate highly complex messages to a variety of stakeholders. Not only is Chris entertaining, he trained as an engineer so he deeply understands the demands of professionals working in highly-complex and rapidly changing technology. Chris Fenning is also author of the award-winning, "The First Minute: How to Start Conversations that Get Results". Listen and take note of the following pearls: - Using visualization to crease a sense of including across remote teams - How the nature of technology creates an inherent barrier for professionals to even have time to learn power skills of communication - Get the first 15 seconds right and everything else falls into place - Why telling people to "just get to the point" doesn't work - The 3 things the audience must have from you in order to underst