Speak Up With Laura Camacho

Episode 126: Suneel Gupta on Being Backable



The ability to convince a person to take a chance on you is one of the most important skills to achieve success in both business and life. Yet so many high performers overlook and/or misunderstand the art of persuasion. In this deep conversation with Suneel Gupta, we discuss how to present your ideas in a way that makes others WANT to be a part of your project. This discussion is based on Gupta's book. Backable: The Surprising Truth about What Makes People Take a Chance on You. Specifically we cover: - how conviction is so much more valuable than charisma - ways you can mitigate perceived risk that others feel about your idea - what it takes to get your solution ready for prime time - the difference between pitching something "new" versus "inevitable" - how you can leverage the "Ikea Effect" in your conversations For more communication savvy, visit Laura Camacho's website at www.mixonian.com