Speak Up With Laura Camacho

Episode 125 Darren Reinke and Your Inner Savage Leader



Today's guest is Darren Reinke, founder and managing director of Group Sixty, based in San Diego. Darren is a master leadership developer and author of the insightful The Savage Leader. Darren is all about authentic leadership. In this episode, we hashed out some key distinctions. (Warning: We get a bit off topic on trying to figure out Kafka's "Metamorphosis"). Here are a few of the juicy take-aways from this warm conversation: - the thing that derails too many projects! - what it means to be authentic when you're going after the next promotion - role of vulnerability in executive presence - 3 things that hold people back from career success - being positive versus being realistic versus limiting beliefs For more about Darren visit www.groupsixty.com. For more communication intel dive into www.mixonian.com.