Speak Up With Laura Camacho

Episode 33 Protect Your Precious Energy From Negative People



Listen to this if you are interested in keeping your energy high and sometimes other people's negativity affects you. To be a high performer you must protect your precious energy for the valuable life force that it is. It's tough. But you actually can build a force field around you where it's like you're Teflon coated and not susceptible to negative Nathaniels. Speaker Jim Rohn (and other thought leaders) often say that we are the average of the 5 people with whom we spend the most time. The idea of being careful about the company you keep is not new. Similar advice is found in ancient writings from most cultures. What isn't really spelled out, is how to drop negative people from your life without feeling like a jerk. Or how not to let them bring you down. For more see www.mixonian.com/blog