Machine Learning

Figure 01 humanoid robot


Synopsis The super capabilities of Figure 01, the humanoid robot developed by the startup Figure, are attributed to its integration with OpenAI's advanced AI technologies. Here's how OpenAI contributes to Figure 01's exceptional capabilities based on the provided search results: 1. **Autonomous Operation**: Unlike other robots, Figure 01 is not teleoperated, indicating that it can operate independently. This autonomy is a result of the advanced AI system that controls the robot, allowing it to perform fully learned behaviors without human intervention. 2. **Conversational Abilities**: OpenAI's large language models, such as ChatGPT, enable Figure 01 to have full conversations with humans. The robot's ability to understand and react to human interactions in real-time showcases the integration of high-level language intelligence provided by OpenAI. 3. **Learning and Behavior**: Figure 01's behavior is learned and run at normal speed, emphasizing that it is not controlled remotely. The AI model pro