Generations Radio

Birth Rate for Evangelicals 1.8 - Church the Same as the World?



The most critical Supreme Court case since Roe v. Wade is now being argued, and it's not looking good with the conservatives on the bench. The pro-life cause is losing. Meanwhile, the conservative Protestant church's birth rate is almost exactly that of the national average. Why waste our time with politics when the church is DOA on the use of abortifacients-- When will the pastors take a stand on abortifacients, the IUD, IVF, and the Kill Pill-- The reversal of Roe v. Wade didn't do any good as long as the kill-pill-by-mail program and fully-funded, government-funded abortifacients are the name of the game.--This program includes---1. The World View in Five Minutes with Adam McManus -Thailand House approves homosexual faux marriage- Democrat Senator Joe Lieberman, former VP candidate, died- Some retailers giving employees Easter off---2. Generations with Kevin Swanson