Packers Talk

Packers Weekly #34: Did the NFL Just Ban Tackling???



Whether you agree that the "hip-drop" tackle is dangerous or not, this ban just gave the refs exponentially more power to control the outcome of games. In a time where some games are borderline unwatchable because of the officiating, we need to equip the refs to be better, not worse. There is absolutely an argument to be made that the players need to be better trained how to tackle, and there is absolutely an argument to be made that some of these tackles are causing unnecessary injuries. That said, if this were really in the name of player safety, why is there not a real conversation about the field surfaces that are also causing unnecessary injuries? Changing field surfaces costs money. Changing rules doesn't. We got some interesting nuggets of information from Gute in his latest interview that may give us some insight into future moves. Who are the top CBs in this draft class??? At this point it really just depends on who you ask. How deep does this WR class actually go??? DEEP. It will be very difficult f