JavaScript Jabber

068 JSJ ES6 with Aaron Frost



PanelAaron Frost (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Discussion 01:36 - Aaron Frost IntroductionWeb Developer at Domo 1.21 Gigawatts – Chromeapps with Angularjs and Node (Aaron Frost and Dave Geddes) A Manager’s Guide by Aaron Frost 02:21 - ECMAScript and JavaScriptBrendan Eich talking about the Lord Of The Rings Comparison JScript ActionScript 06:02 - TC39 on ECMANotes from the TC39 Meetings 06:44 - ECMAScript:Harmony 09:59 - ES6 FeaturesArrow Functions/Lambdas Lexical Scoping Destructioning Spreading Sets & Maps Equivalent Detection Generators Binary Data 12:17 - Arrow Functions 14:23 - Data Proofing Functions 15:35 - DestructuringPaths/Nested Destructuring Destructuring Patterns 17:59 - Default Values 18:49 - Rest & Default Parameters 20:39 - LetVariable Hoisting Traceur Compiler grunt-traceur Let Expressions & Statements Blocks & Block Scopes temporal-dead-zone.js 27:20 - Generators 28:39 -