JavaScript Jabber

041 JSJ Single Page Applications



PanelJamison Dance (twitter github blog) AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 02:09 - Follow Up to 040 JSJ ConferencesBroad Conferences vs Focused Conferences Utah Open Source/Open West Conference 2013 05:28 - Single Page Application FrameworksjQueryBackbone.jsEmber.jspure.jsplates.jsAngularJS15:10 - Path & Hash RoutingPushstate/Popstatesammy.jsjquery.bbqlocalStorage == cookieshistory.js22:23 - Synchronizing Your DataWebSocket Operational Transformation Lucidchart 24:51 - WebSocketscURLSocket.IO32:44 - App IssuesMemory 38:52 - When do you want a Single Page App?JadeLESSPicksSimple (AJ) Coding for Interviews (Jamison) Empirical Zeal: What does randomness look like? (Jamison) Aeron Chair by Herman Miller (Chuck) (Chuck) Book ClubEffective JavaScript by David Herman Transcript AJ:  Yeah, I think I'm 26 still, for another 6 months.CHUCK:  Yeah. You have to count on your toes to figure it out.AJ:  Yeah, twice actually. Becaus