JavaScript Jabber

040 JSJ Conferences



Panel Trevor Tingey (twitter blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Tim Caswell (twitter github Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:16 - Conferences Attended Visual Studio Live (VS Live) (Joe) Utah Open Source (Joe & Chuck) Utah JS (Joe) MountainWest RubyConf (Trevor & Chuck) JSConf (Trevor) UberConference (Trevor) Web 2.0 (Trevor) RailsConf (Chuck) RubyConf (Chuck) Aloha Ruby Conference (Chuck) New Media Expo (Chuck) 03:24 - Preparing/Planning for Conferences 08:39 - Chatting with Others/Making Contacts at Conferences Hackathons Social Activities 14:36 - Hackathons/Code Retreats/Workshops Global Day of Coderetreat DevTeach 18:46 - Methodology Conferences Agile Roots 22:42 - Industry Conferences vs Local/Regional Conferences Multiple Tracks Networking 28:12 - Making the Most out of Sessions Taking Notes Follow Along in Code Sessions Seating Choice 33:02 - Lightning Talks Speaking Exposure 35:37 - Speaking at Conferences