JavaScript Jabber

036 JSJ DOM Rendering and Manipulating



PanelAJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Intro to CoffeeScript) Discussion 01:29 - Merrick Christensen is a new regular panel memberCascadiaJS 2012 JavaScript Modules: AMD, Require.js & Other Wins: Merrick Christensen 03:58 - DOM Rendering and ManipulatingBackbone.js Ext.js 06:49 - DifferencesLoad times Ease of use backbone.syphon 09:49 - The Ext.js approach vs the Backbone.js approach15:51 - Templating enginesdust.js handlebars.js mustache.js hogan.js underscore jquery 16:46 - handlebars.js vs mustache.js18:08 - Templating engines (cont’d)Mold.js Ember.js Metamorph.js Knockout.js Pure.js Plates.js 26:34 - Difference between the click handler and the delegate function31:49 - Template engines and string generations33:01 - Writing templates and learning APIs35:03 - Ext.js issues39:32 - Dojo PicksAldo (AJ) On Being A Senior Engineer (Jamison) Joshua James: Fro