Scientific Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas

The Destructive Energetic Effect of Over-Criticism on Your Health, Wealth, and Relationships



When you are criticized without the balance of compliments in your early life, it has profound effects on your energy field: it develops openings, cracks and shrinks. Solution? Your energy field is your defense, which with too much criticism, it develops openings, cracks and shrinks down so you become susceptible to others stealing your energy. Co-hosted with Gwen LepardWhat happens to your protective energy field with criticism?Undue or over criticism is a constant barrage on your spirit. It depletes your protective energy field around you. You may have heard, “this is for your own good,” or, “I’m just trying to help you improve.” That’s not how it feels. You end up feeling like you are drowning in words, it weakens you, you feel tired in the end. This is not how constructive criticism feels.Most of this damaging criticism is unsolicited. You didn’t ask for it. The deliverer of this “helpful” criticism can’t help themselves. Energetically, the way it works, it looks li