Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

Household Chemicals May Trigger MS And Possibly Also ADHD and Autism



Vidcast:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C5WuKsELOVL/ Fire-inhibiting and disinfecting compounds, both of which are commonly found around our homes, damage the specialized cells that create the insulating coverings around nerves called myelin sheaths.  The absence of these sheaths is associated with multiple sclerosis. Case Western Reserve investigators have demonstrated that organophosphate flame retardants found in furniture and electronics stop the maturation of the sheath-generating oligodendrite cells while the quinaternary ammonium compounds found in disinfectants and in personal care products are frankly damaging to such cells.  Epidemiologic analyses indicate that these chemicals and the toxicity they induce are also associated with neurodevelopmental pathology including attention-deficit and autism spectrum disorders. The take away: pregnant women and young children should not be exposed to these agents.  Read product labels carefully. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-024-01599-2 #flameretar