Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

Inhalable NanoBubbles Treat Lung Cancer



Vidcast:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C5WshKLr39o/ Columbia University biomedical engineers have harnessed the method by which cells normally communicate with each other in order to deliver poison pill chemotherapy directly to lung cancer cells.  Knowing that structures called exosomes are cell-to-cell messengers, the researchers have engineered these so-called extracellular vehicles to convey messengerRNA capable of directing lung cancer cells to produce suicidal chemotherapy. Comparing their engineered exosomes to liposomes of the type successfully used to convey CoVid vaccine mRNA, they demonstrated the superiority of exosomes for chemotherapy delivery.  These exosomes, delivered by the latest inhalation devices, can transmit to ailing cells powerful immunotherapy including that driven by interleukins such as IL-12. These bioengineered exosomes or EVs for extracellular vesicles can also be employed to deliver other agents to a variety of cells in a variety of diseased organs.  Though not yet being test