Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

Secondhand Vapors From E-Cigarettes Are Toxic



Vidcast:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C5WrBg0rMGD/ Just as second hand smoke contains dangerous compounds that can induce lung disease and worse, the fumes from e-cigarettes are transmitting chemicals into the bodies of anyone in the vaper’s vicinity.  Nurse researchers from Emory University now report that metabolites of agents contained in vaping liquids have been detected in the blood and saliva of children whose parents use e-cigarettes. Worse still, half of parents were unaware that e-cigarette vapors posed any risk to children.  Specifically, 58% of vaping parents in a focus group thought that vapors from their own devices were creating very mild or no risk to their own children. The vapors from e-cigarettes contain addicting levels of nicotine as well as volatile organic compounds that have inflammatory and/or carcinogenic effects on the lungs.  If you must vape or smoke electronic cigarettes, don’t do it around your children or around any children. https://www.clinicaladvisor.com/reports/secondha