JavaScript Jabber

064 JSJ Ember Tools with Ryan Florence



PanelRyan Florence (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:28 - Ryan Florence IntroductionInstructure Canvas Network 03:04 - Ember 101 05:03 - Ember.js Workflow047 JSJ Specialized vs Monolithic with James Halliday and Tom Dale ember-tools 07:14 - CommonJS vs RequireJSr.js browser-build 09:58 - prego 11:39 - Generators 14:45 - Testing 16:15 - YeomanYeoman generators 20:49 - ScaffoldingHandlebars.js 21:33 - Ember blessing ember-toolsEmber.js - Making Ember.js Easier 24:19 - Using ember-tools in RailsCreating Browser Apps as Part of Express of Rails (etc.) 25:27 - Scaffolding (cont’d) 26:53 - Adapting an existing project to ember-tools 29:59 - Dbmon 30:59 - CanvasEdu Apps (learning apps built on LTI™) 32:44 - node.js 34:24 - Modules 38:59 - Contributing to ember-tools 41:46 - StatePicksvim-clutch (Merrick) Star Wars: Heir to the Empire by Timothy Za