JavaScript Jabber

047 JSJ Specialized vs Monolithic with James Halliday and Tom Dale



PanelTom Dale (twitter github blog Tilde Inc.) James Halliday (twitter github AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Tim Caswell (twitter github Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:52 - James Halliday Introductionbrowserify 02:37 - Tom Dale IntroductioniCloud Ember.js Big Data & Hadoop 04:47 - Specialized vs Idiology Micro Libraries 14:13 - Learning Frameworks18:04 - Making things modular25:23 - Picking the right tool for the job27:44 - voxel.js & emberjsemberjs / packages BPM - Browser Package Manager NPM - Node Packaged Modules testling-ciBackbone.js38:19 - Module SystemsCommonJS41:14 - Cloud9 Use Case43:54 - BugsjQuery Source Code PicksjQuery 2.0 (Merrick) ECMAScript 6 Module Definition (Merrick) AMD (Merrick) Yiruma (Joe) Elementary (Joe) Miracle Berry Tablets (AJ) The Ubuntu You Deserve (AJ) Bravemule