JavaScript Jabber

037 JSJ Promises with Domenic Denicola and Kris Kowal



PanelKris Kowal (twitter github blog) Domenic Denicola (twitter github blog) AJ O’Neal (twitter github blog) Jamison Dance (twitter github blog) Joe Eames (twitter github blog) Merrick Christensen (twitter github) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Intro to CoffeeScript) Discussion 02:41 - PromisesAsynchonous programming 05:09 - Using Promises from top to bottom07:08 - DomainsNodeConf SummerCamp07:55 - Q10:22 - q.nfbind11:15 - Q vs jQueryYou’re Missing the Point of PromisesComing from jQuery15:41 - long-stack-tracesturn chaining JavaScriptStackTraceApi: Overview of the V8 JavaScript stack trace API (error.prepare stack trace)19:36 - Original Promises/A spec and Promises/A+ specwhen.jsPromises Test SuiteUnderscore deferred24:22 - .thenChai as Promised26:58 - Nesting Promisesspread method28:38 - Error Handlingcauseway 32:57 - Benefits of PromisesError Handling Multiple Async at onceHandle things before and after they happen40:29 - task.js41:33 - Languagee programming languageCoffeeScript44:11 - M