Victory Fellowship Church Podcast

Easter Eggs // Jamie Nunnally



Do you realize that Jesus came to rescue you?In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares the hope-filled, awesome message that was lived out on this earth through Jesus Christ. The cross is Jesus' death for me, but the empty grave is Jesus' life for me.The cross gets me into heaven, but the empty grave gets heaven into me.The cross reveals Jesus as savior, but the empty grave reveals Jesus as king.The cross paid for my sin, the empty grave means that the payment was accepted. Resurrection changes our whole outlook on life.1 Corinthians 15:54-55 NLTWe don't have to be afraid of death anymore. Jesus' resurrection marked the death of death. What is an Easter Egg?An "easter egg" is a hidden message, image or feature in a video game, movie, or TV show.  The Old Testament has around 300 prophetic easter eggs about Jesus before Jesus was born. These are things like: Messiah will be born in Bethlehem, He will be preceded by a Messenger, He will enter Jerusalem on a donkey, He will be b