Essential Church

Humbled to Serve Others - It's Not Me, It's You



Essential Church, message from Pastor Steve Swisher Shownotes Main Points - Analogy of NCAA tournament seeding to have congregation think about where they rank themselves among fellow churchgoers (1-300) - Discusses how people can move from being self-focused to open-handed and thinking of others - Wonders if it takes a near death experience to prompt this change - Notes natural human tendency towards selfishness and the socialization process around sharing - Observes that greater love does not necessarily reduce selfishness, as in marriages - Discusses how social media can provide social interaction while allowing self-curation Bible Examples - Outlines Paul's teaching to Corinthians about constructive speech/actions - Gives examples of Bible figures having outlook changed after encountering God (Job, Isaiah, Peter, Paul) Conclusion - Wants people to have frequent encounters with Jesus to see themselves as humble and willing to serve others - Prays that people experience lasting change in outlook and happily