Plausibly Live! - The Official Podcast Of The Dave Bowman Show

WTF - State of Emergency?



In the latest episode of “What The Frock,” listeners were treated to the unique banter and insightful discussions that have become the hallmark of this engaging podcast. Hosted by the dynamic duo of Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod, this episode once again proved why this podcast has captured the hearts and minds of its audience. The episode kicks off with Rabbi Dave’s playful teasing of Friar Rod’s choice of headwear, setting the tone for an episode filled with humor, candid observations, and a touch of irreverence. The duo briefly delved into their shared interest in the Sacramento River Cats baseball team, hinting at the personal quirks and interests that enrich their on-air chemistry. Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod then embarked on a historical journey, recounting the intriguing tale of Christopher Columbus in Jamaica during 1501. They used this story to explore themes of power, persuasion, and the unexpected impact of natural phenomena, such as eclipses, on human history. This narrative not only showcased the hosts’