Kingdom Roots With Scot Mcknight

Paul and the Desire for Fame - KR 96



How should Christians view achieving fame, status, and honor? The ancient world was addicted to the achieving as much fame and honor as possible. This honor was achieved through what was known as the cursus honorum. The cursus honorum was the path to achieve this status. It would be nice if the present world didn’t suffer from this unhealthy approach to life, but we know it all to well. Paul has some subversive and important words to Christians in the ancient world and for our world today when it comes to how we should handle our desire for fame. Interested in Northern’s MA in New Testament with Dr. Scot McKnight? Join us for our online Q and A session on July 11 @ 1 pm CT. Sign up here >> Suggested Resources: Scot's Talk on the cursus honorum in Corinth - Reconstructing Honor in Roman Philippi by Joseph Hellerman - The New Testament In Its Firs