Kingdom Roots With Scot Mcknight

10 Tips to Improve your Writing (Part 1) - KR 61



It’s incredible how God uses little scribbles on a page to bring about His work in the world. Scot gives ten excellent ways that you can improve on the challenging task of writing. Here are Scot’s 10 tips: 1)Write and write often. 2)Read good writers. 3)Revise, revise, and revise some more. 4)Know your audience. 5)Get good feedback. 6)Finish your writing day by starting the next day. Write first sentence or paragraph for the next day as the last thing you do for your day. 7)Shorter is better. 8)Be yourself! Find your voice and lean into it. 9)Write for the Church in accessible prose. 10)Read aloud what you’ve written. Want to learn more about and be mentored by Scot McKnight on your writing? Check out the Master’s of Arts in New Testament at Northern Seminary. Learn more at or email Chaz at