F.I.R.E.D UP with Krista Mashore

Ultimate Real Estate Productivity Hack: Setting Up the Night Before Ep. (861)



In over two decades in the real estate industry, I've learned that success doesn't come by chance; it's meticulously planned. My journey from a dedicated teacher to selling over 2,300 homes and becoming a best-selling author on real estate and lead generation has taught me the invaluable lesson of preparation. I firmly believe in setting up the next day's agenda the night before. This practice isn't just about organization—it's about priming my brain for success. Knowing tomorrow's game plan provides peace of mind and a restful sleep, essential for tackling the challenges of the next day. My "daily sheet" is more than a to-do list; it's a strategic schedule that guides my every move. This includes activities from video text messaging to setting clear, achievable objectives for the day. It's this level of discipline and foresight that transforms potential chaos into structured, goal-oriented action. Beyond task management, I stress the importance of mindset. Success breeds success, and consistency in positive