Breaking Math Podcast

89. Brain Organelles, AI, and the Other Scary Science - An Interview with GT (Part I)



This conversation explores the topic of brain organoids and their integration with robots. The discussion covers the development and capabilities of brain organoids, the ethical implications of their use, and the differences between sentience and consciousness. The conversation also delves into the efficiency of human neural networks compared to artificial neural networks, the presence of sleep in brain organoids, and the potential for genetic memories in these structures. The episode concludes with an invitation to part two of the interview and a mention of the podcast's Patreon offering a commercial-free version of the episode.Takeaways Brain organoids are capable of firing neural signals and forming structures similar to those in the human brain during development. The ethical implications of using brain organoids in research and integrating them with robots raise important questions about sentience and consciousness. Human neural networks are more efficient than artificial neural networks, but the reas