Breaking Math Podcast

71: What's the Matter? An Interview with Chris Cogswell of the Mad Scientist Podcast (Material Science)



Matter is that which takes up space, and has mass. It is what we interact with, and what we are. Imagining a world without matter is to imagine light particles drifting aimlessly in space. Gasses, liquids, solids, and plasmas are all states of matter. Material science studies all of these, and their combinations and intricacies, found in examining foams, gels, meshes, and other materials and metamaterials. Chris Cogswell is a material scientist, and host of The Mad Scientist Podcast, a podcast that takes a critical look at things ranging from technological fads, to pseudoscience, and topics that deserve a critical eye. On the first of a pair of two episodes about material science, we interview Chris about his experience with studying material science, and ask questions about the subject in general.Links referenced by Chris Cogswell:- is about nanomagnetism and cool demonstration of ferrofluid- goes over nanomagnetic applic