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Navigating the implicit right to protest in Australia - 【解读澳洲】澳大利亚的抗议权



Every week, impassioned Australians take to the streets, raising their voices in protest on important issues. Protesting is not an offence, but protesters sometimes test the limits of the law with extreme and antisocial behaviour. The chance of running into trouble depends on where you’re protesting and how you behave. - 澳大利亚满腔热情的民众几乎每周都会走上街头,针对重要议题高声疾呼。虽然抗议本身不违法,但有时抗议者会通过极端的反社会行为挑战法律底线。抗议者们所面临的法律风险取决于抗议的地点以及他们抗议的行为方式。