Breakthrough Pt Marketing Podcast With Chad Madden

Learn The Best Strategies for Generating Cash-Based Revenue For Your Private Practice



Have you invested in laser therapy or shockwave modalities? If you're like most PT private practice owners, acquiring the device is only the beginning - getting patients to buy in and purchase cash-based treatment packages is a whole other ballgame. Join Chad Madden as he teams up with Mark Callanen from Enovis during a previously-recorded live webinar to unveil powerful strategies for elevating cash-based revenue in private physical therapy practices. Discover how integrating cash-based services can counteract dwindling insurance reimbursements and propel practice profitability to new heights.During the live webinar, Chad and Mark delved into pivotal topics, including:Introduction to Cash-Based Revenue Strategies: Learn the essentials of maximizing cash-based revenue and its transformative impact on practice growth.Unveiling the Power of Cash-Based Services: Explore the significance of incorporating cash-based services amidst evolving market dynamics.Strategies for Profit Maximization: Uncover operational ti