Speak Up With Laura Camacho

E 237 A-List Charisma For Leadership Mini Episode: Phil Mickelson



Ever wondered why golf legend Phil Mickelson's thumbs up gesture is more than just a casual hand movement? Did you know you can use a signature hand gesture to boost your own confidence and charisma?Welcome to episode 237, *A List Charisma Mini*, where we uncover the magnetic charm of the world's most captivating personalities in bite-sized episodes. Here we reveal the charisma & communication secrets of A-Listers so you get the recognition and opportunities you deserve. I'm your host, Laura Camacho and today, we're diving into the charisma of golf legend PhilMickelson, focusing on his signature gesture, the iconic thumbs up.As a highly-conscientious high performing professional, you understand the importance of charisma in making lasting impressions and fostering strong connections. But how can studying golfer Phil Mickelson's signature thumbs up gesture benefit you in the boardroom?Check out these 3 specific charisma takeaways:1. Confidence Display: Learn the connection between a simple hand gesture and