St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

The Ressurection in the Scriptures



Like many Memphians this past week, I took a heliotropic pilgrimage to the booming metropolis of Jonesboro, Arkansas, in order to witness the rare occasion of TOTALITY. I like to put it in all caps to capture how apocalyptic it felt. It was a transcendent experience, and a communal one, too, to be with other folks who were well-versed in feasting on God's glory through creation. One thought did occur to me after, though, as someone commented on the rarity of the eclipse, and then someone else pedantically commented on how the moon was literally always eclipsing the sun from the right vantage point. There's a metaphor there for Christ's appearances after his resurrection, which we'll be looking at this Sunday. We think it's a glimpse of a rare occasion when, in fact, it's a rarely available window into a constant glory. (I guess it's my turn to be pedantic.) The resurrected Jesus marks the coming "new normal" for humanity, and I yearn with you for the day when faith becomes sight. See you Sunday!