St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

Stand Fast in the Gospel



We are now in the season of Eastertide. It’s the season after the Resurrection and lasts until Pentecost so we have roughly seven Sundays. During Eastertide, we celebrate the Resurrection. This year we are really celebrating it as we will be talking about The Resurrection of the Dead for the next several weeks. To do this, we are looking at the clearest teaching in the Bible on resurrection, I Corinthians 15. Why do we do this? Because what we believe about the resurrection of the dead affects how we live and view the world right now. N. T. Wright says that there are two questions that matter: “First, what is the ultimate Christian hope? Second, what hope is there for change, rescue, transformation, new possibilities with the world at present.” (N. T. Wright, Surprised by Hope)   So join us Sunday as we look at why Paul says to “stand fast in the gospel” and basically, the gospel is resurrection! The implications are enormous, not only for eternity but for us right now. Hope to see you Sunday.   Remember, all