St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc




We are looking at the words of Jesus from the cross. All short, all cries of a desperate dying man on a cross, and all expressing deep need. They are all uttered from a place of total helplessness; they are cries of anguish. But none so much as Jesus’ cry of being completely alone and forsaken.  I have experienced much emotional pain, and also physical pain, since the first of the year. First, I lost my father, the man to whom I owe so much, and then I had my knee replaced. A lot of pain and some times of deep loneliness. But one thing I didn’t experience in this extended season of Lent was the feeling of being abandoned and forsaken. No matter where I looked, there were people “with” me – sometimes physically and with hugs and concern, often with food and quick conversations, or some from notes and texts. The pain seems to be bearable; what would unhinge my sanity would be if I was totally alone, having no one with me in the midst of this ordeal. If you want to know how bad sin is, just look at Jesus’ cries