St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

The Splendor of His Holiness



I got back into my study this Wednesday, after being away with my family for over a week as my dad worsened in the hospital and we brought him home to die with his people. The worst storm in ages was playing havoc with the roads, and it was cold the day my father went to be with Jesus. The next day, my daughter was calling for sledding and snowball fights, as I worked through obituaries, funeral arrangements, and getting our house back to normal.             Josh met me at the church to catch up and asked if I needed him to preach. I told him how much I appreciated it, but I needed to be in my study with all the familiar tools of my trade around me. I figured it would be therapeutic; it ended up being even better than I thought, and it did clarify some things for me, in my own thinking and reflection. I can’t wait to share it with you.             Psalm 96 is all joy: it overflows with joy and brims with hope. It is eaten up with singing and praising, and the end of the Psalm pictures not the world as we know