St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

The Just Shall Live by Faith



Sometimes you have serendipitous moments in life. We have all had them, usually not big things, like I had this week. I have been fighting armadillo in my yard. Armadillos are right up there with moles as prey that will destroy your flowers, grass, and beds. Not to mention they carry leprosy. Teri is threatening to not plant flowers anymore unless I get rid of them. I have eradicated them in the past when we had an influx of these scaled menaces, but this time I had not been successful. Until the other night.             Piper is our dog. She is a therapy dog, bought for that purpose, and she is amazing. However, little did I know there was more to her than meets the eye. We were about to get ready for bed when Piper goes to the bay window in the kitchen and starts trying to tear the window out. I put on a head lamp, opened the garage door, and there it was, rooting up my Zoysia. With little trouble, I eradicate the problem.             I was rejoicing over Piper pointing this out and let her in the backyard