St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

The Crucible of Faith



One of the things that keeps coming up among those who have left the faith (or are deconstructing their faith) is that when they brought their doubts about Christianity or matters of faith to their parents, youth leaders, or church leaders, they were told, “We don’t ask those questions here.” Or, "Just accept it on faith.” As if doubt were the cardinal sin or, if you are a believer trusting in Jesus, doubt is not part of a life of faith.            Habakkuk would beg to differ. Habakkuk prayed to God for revival at the beginning of the book and God said, I am bringing judgement. We don’t know how long Habakkuk sat in that grim truth before he makes his second complaint to heaven, but when he does, we see faith on fire with all the dynamics of a living person interacting with a God he knows intimately. We see the whole world of a living faith navigating a fallen world, where the unimaginable happens, and it doesn’t resolve into a nice neat box with a ribbon on it.             This Sunday we will talk about fai