St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

Recalled To Life!



I was between meetings in East Memphis last week and thought I would camp out at a coffee shop where one of our residents works part time. Walking in, I ran into a young man I’ve had a few spiritual conversations with but hadn’t seen in a couple of years. He asked what I was preaching on next and when I told him Hebrews 10, his eyes lit up. He quoted the entire passage from memory and said, “But what does it mean!?”  Whenever we start talking about how “the righteous shall live by faith,” the conversation inevitably turns to questions of eternal security and the assurance of salvation. How can I know I’m saved? What happens to people who seemed to believe and now have walked away, or “deconstructed,” or apostatized? As Greg mentioned last week, we’re doing an excursus from our current series (taking the scenic route, maybe), to see how the New Testament authors use the key phrase from our Habakkuk series. Now we’ve come to Hebrews 10, which seems to work against a reformed understanding of the perseverance of