St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

Burdens We Can't Unsee



This week our staff spent time at Mallard’s Croft in Byhalia, living into the vision of St. Patrick and dreaming of what’s next. We stayed in the 100-year-old manor house, laughing, praying, cooking, pondering, and feasting together. This retreat is a tradition we started several years ago as a way of celebrating the past year and strategically looking ahead at how to best accomplish our goals. It can be easy for anyone to forget how rare and special their situation is, so these opportunities to stop and savor together are a precious remembering that leads to greater unity and hunger for more and better. I have to say, we are having a blast saturating our neighborhoods with feasting families who tell a better story by setting tables of God’s grace for the lonely.  In light of both the previous and coming sermon series, we began our time together considering the first verse of Habakkuk. No one knows much about Habakkuk the prophet outside of the “oracle” he saw. Sounds a bit like science fiction, right? Actual